Scene Study I
The course will focus on character study, improvisation, concentration exercises and theater games. The course will culminate in the presentation of scenes, entire plays or screenplays from the modern and contemporary theatre, film or television. In addition, the student will research one of the twentieth-century acting theorist – for example, Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Artaud, Brecht, Strasberg, Grotowski, Spolin, Bogart and Meisner. The student will give a brief oral report of their methods and secrets.
Scene Study II
This course will build up on the previous level. By working on plays and screenplays, actors will continue to learn the concepts of scene study: defining objectives, breaking the scene down into beats, understanding the arc of a scene, pursuing objectives, playing actions, and working to overcome obstacles. In this advanced scene study class students will explore longer dramatic and comedic scenes.